Sustainable Switch Over

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Generally the biggest driver around packaging

sustainability is to minimise its environmental impact.

This usually focusses on a reduction in carbon footprint

through efficient manufacturing, materials that

require less energy and water to produce, and utilising

renewable or recycled resources. Life cycle assessments

(LCAs) provide a detailed analysis of environmental

impact at each stage.

Supporting this goal, numerous businesses have

introduced targets around plastic reduction, plastic

removal or the use of products with minimum levels

of recycled content. This is normally connected to

consumer demand or the drivers of their particular


Whatever key drivers exist, packaging should always

aim to use resources more efficiently by light weighting,

designing for reuse and utilising materials that can be

easily recycled by the receiver.

The use of biodegradable and compostable materials

should be considered based on the waste streams the

packaging will most likely end up in. At the moment,

outside of specific products and industries, most B2B

and B2C recycling systems don’t have capabilities for

processing these materials and so in practise

are unlikely to be an effective option.

Our Sustainability


1. Sustainable Supply Chain

2. Operating Sustainably

3. Supporting Our Customers

When it comes to sustainability in packaging,

there are many factors to consider. From

materials and design to processes and

logistics, every aspect of your packaging

has an impact.

We believe sustainable packaging combines

environmental credentials with ethical and

responsible practices in the supply chain. It is

essential to consider the entire life cycle, from

raw material extraction to disposal and the

supply chain risks around each stage.

Sustainable switch over

is our solution for simplifying the

switch to more sustainable products

and processes, whilst improving

the business performance of our


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